Camilo Mejía’s background as a peace and immigrant rights activist is what originally led him to Catalyst Miami, where his current work revolves around building collective capacity networks with social justice organizations, creating access and inclusion for people...
Mandy Bartle is a visionary with the proven ability to shift community outcomes. Early in her career, she published more than 30 reports identifying strategies for distressed areas, resulting in over $60MM in revenue for and over $1B of investment within South...
Patricia Tracey has 40 years of experience in mortgage lending, new construction and real estate. Originally from North Carolina, she has lived and worked in Florida since the early 70’s. She held banking and savings and loan vice president positions for leading...
Torrio Osborne provides strategic research advisory services in areas of small business development, real estate and economic development finance. For more than twenty-five years he has bridged the common needs of private and public sector small business ventures with...
Kathleen is a strategic Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with a Master of Science in Accounting from Nova Southeastern University. She has a successful track record in financial management and audit administration. As the Director of Finance at the Children’s...